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World Emblem’s Florida Location Wins Ultimate Cup Championship

May 21, 2019

This quarter, World Emblem had a friendly competition going among our locations. Here’s how it worked: clients with orders from each location were called to verify the speed, accuracy, and quality of their order as well as their overall customer service experience. The location with the highest ratings got possession of the Ultimate Cup for one week of bragging rights before the cup moved on to the next winner. Each week a different location would be named the Ultimate Cup Champion. This was a great way to engage with clients and employees at the same time!

Our customers are the pinnacle of our business model. They are the driving force behind what makes our company tick. This business model allows us to answer the questions of how to communicate to every operator, QC person, shipping manager, and our employees as a whole. So we decided to challenge ourselves in a way we’ve never done before. We want to provide the best customer service possible.

In the end, the location with the highest ratings at the end of the quarter would be named that quarter’s Ultimate Cup Champion. The winner of the inaugural quarter of this competition was our Florida location! Not only would the quarter champions receive possession of the Ultimate Cup, they would also get the opportunity to have a company lunch with World Emblem President and CEO Randy Carr.

For more information about World Emblem and our employee engagement program, give us a call at  (800) 766-0448 or fill out the form on our Contact Us page.